How to Use Sprockets with CareerPlug

Automatically Send Candidates the Sprockets Survey in CareerPlug

Automatically Send Candidates the Sprockets Survey

Candidate sourcing platforms like CareerPlug are great solutions for finding people, but Sprockets is built specifically to make sure you hire the right ones. Follow these steps to automatically send candidates the Sprockets survey:

Retrieve the Sprockets email from the location you are setting up


Step 1: Log in to Your Sprockets Account

Step 2: Select Jobs on Your Sprockets Dashboard

  • Once you're logged in, you will be directed to your Sprockets dashboard. Here, you can view a list of your job listings.
    Email Template 1

Step 3: Find the Job and Click on the 3 Dots Under Actions


Step 4: Select "Invite  applicant" from the Dropdown Menu

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Step 5: Click on the "Copy Invite Link" Button in the Right Hand Side of the Page

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Next, set up the account in CareerPlug

Step 1: Log in to CareerPlug

Step 2: Create a Teammate

You will need to "Create a teammate" for each location with the Sprockets email you copied from the Automated Survey Send button above. 

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You will then create the "new teammate" - this is how Sprockets knows to automatically send a survey to new applicants. Complete the fields with the following: 

First Name: Sprockets

Last Name: Location Name (The Location we are setting up)

Email: Paste the email address from the Automated Survey Send location you previously copied

Job Title: Can be left blank, or populate with "Sprockets Survey"

Access to Recruiting System: Choose "Limited Access"

Click "Save."


You have now created the Sprockets Survey teammate, which you will use for that specific location in the next steps.

Step 3: Choose Location 

Go to your Settings logo, and choose  My Organization

Choose "Location" from the left side, and then click "edit" for the location you are working with:

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Step 4: Add the Sprockets Account to the Location as a "Participating User" 

Add the Sprockets Survey account to the location as a "Participating Users" and click "Save"

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Step 5: Navigate to the "Jobs" section and choose "edit" on the job you are hiring for.

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Step 6: Click on "Hiring Settings" for the job in that location.

Go to the hiring settings



Step 7 : Scroll down the page to "Team and Notifications" and click on "Configure Notifications"


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Step 8: Select the Sprockets Survey (the teammate you had created) and toggle on "New Applicants". 

Ensure the dropdown has “Each Applicant” chosen. Click "Apply."

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Once you apply, you'll need to choose "Update Job Post" to save the changes.

You will need to repeat this process for each location to enact the automated survey send.

After set up

Once this process is complete, your applicants will automatically receive the Sprockets Survey when they apply on CareerPlug.