How to Use Sprockets with Paylocity

Automating Sprockets in your Paylocity process allows you to automatically send the Sprockets Survey to incoming applicants as they apply.

Steps to Set Up Auto-Sending of Sprockets Surveys in Paylocity:

1. Navigate to Recruiting Settings

  • Within your Paylocity account, go to the Recruiting section.

2. Access Auto-Email Reply Settings

  • In the Recruiting section, click on Settings.
  • Find and select the Auto-email Reply option.

3. Add a New Template

  • Within the Auto-email Reply settings, click on Add Template to create a new email template, then fill in the template. We suggest the following language:

    “We have received your job application!

    As part of the interview process, we ask that you please complete a brief, three-question survey. You can access the survey by clicking this link: [Insert Sprockets Survey Link]

    We really appreciate you taking the time to consider us in your job search. Please complete the survey, and we'll be reviewing the information you've provided us.

    Thank you!”

4. Save and Activate the Template

  • After creating the template, save it.


By following these steps, you can easily automated Sprockets within the Paylocity process, ensuring that each incoming applicant receives the Sprockets Survey right after applying.