What Are the Pre-Interview Questions?

The three pre-interview questions are meant to evoke a natural response from applicants while enticing them to write over 120 words (the minimum requirement to get an accurate Match Score).

Default Pre-Interview Questions:

Currently, Sprockets asks applicants the following three pre-interview questions:

  1. "Describe a time when you faced a particularly challenging situation. How did you handle it?"

  2. "What skills or qualities do you have that will allow you to thrive at any company?"

  3. "What are your short and long-term goals?"

Custom Pre-Interview Questions:

Custom survey questions are available to use at the account level. These settings are exclusively available at the account level and will apply to all your locations and positions within this specific account. 

This feature allows you to add an additional question to your survey. Adding a custom question can help you get more accurate reports on applicants since it has them write more words for their pre-interview. However, keep in mind that users still can’t see the actual responses, even with the custom question. It simply enhances the precision of the overall Match Score. This means more accurate insights for you to make better staffing decisions.
Pre Interview Questions #1

Pre-Interview #2

Pre-Interview 3